安全性和稳定性得到了广泛认可,为了提高Oracle数据库的安全性,及时更新补丁是非常重要的,本文将详细介绍如何安装Oracle 12补丁,以提高数据库系统的安全性。,在安装Oracle 12补丁之前,需要做好以下准备工作:,1、确保操作系统已经安装了所需的补丁和更新,建议使用最小化安装的操作系统,并根据实际情况安装所需的组件和服务。,2、关闭所有与Oracle相关的服务,可以使用以下命令关闭Oracle服务:,“`,$ lsnrctl stop,$ ora_pmon_stop,$ ora_cman_stop,$ ora_smon_stop,$ ora_mmon_stop,$ ora_trc_stop,$ ora_qmgr_stop,$ ora_emdg_stop,$ ora_nfs_stop,$ ora_dpdump_stop,$ ora_ksrmgr_stop,$ ora_net1_stop,$ ora_net8_stop,$ ora_listener_stop,“`,3、确保Oracle主目录和临时目录具有正确的权限,可以使用以下命令设置权限:,“`,chown R oracle:dba /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1,chown R oracle:dba /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl,chmod R 775 /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1,chmod R 775 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl,“`,4、确保Oracle主目录下的
目录并设置权限:,“`,mkdir p /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/scripts,chmod +x /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/scripts/*.sh,“`,1、从Oracle官方网站下载Oracle 12补丁包,注意选择与您的Oracle版本和操作系统相匹配的补丁包,下载完成后,将补丁包上传到Linux服务器上。,2、解压补丁包,可以使用以下命令解压补丁包:,“`,unzip patch_package.zip d /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/scripts,“`,3、以Oracle管理员身份登录到Linux服务器,可以使用以下命令切换到Oracle用户:,“`,sudo su oracle,“`,4、运行补丁安装脚本,可以使用以下命令运行补丁安装脚本:,“`,cd /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/scripts,./runInstaller silent force ignorePrereq waitforcompletion responseFile /tmp/responsefile.rsp ignoreSysPrereqs ignoreOsPrereqs ignoreDbPrereqs ignoreConfigParams ignoreDependencies ignoreVersionCheck novalidation ignorePerfReqs ignorePlatform os=LINUX64,release=6.8,edition=EE waitforfile /u01/app/oraInventory/oraInventory.xml install destination /u01/app/oracle sysprep /u01/app/oraInventory copydb action=”install” version “” glance=”/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1″ characterSet AL32UTF8 NONE skipPrereqCheck true ignorePrereq false ignoreSysPrereq false ignoreOsPrereq false ignoreDbPrereq false ignoreConfigParams false ignoreDependencies false ignoreVersionCheck false novalidation false ignorePerfReqs false ignorePlatform false waitforfile true waitforcompletion true responseFile “/tmp/responsefile.rsp” silentMode false force false waitforfile “/u01/app/oraInventory/oraInventory.xml” install true destination “/u01/app/oracle” sysprep “/u01/app/oraInventory” copydb true action “install” version “” glance “/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1” characterSet “AL32UTF8” NONE true skipPrereqCheck true ignorePrereq true ignoreSysPrereq true ignoreOsPrereq true ignoreDbPrereq true ignoreConfigParams true ignoreDependencies true ignoreVersionCheck true novalidation true ignorePerfReqs true ignorePlatform true waitforfile true waitforcompletion true responseFile “/tmp/responsefile.rsp” silentMode true force true,
,5、等待补丁安装完成,安装过程可能需要一段时间,请耐心等待,安装完成后,会显示类似以下的提示信息: “` INFO: All product installation actions have been completed successfully for the given response file and parameters in the given environment. The following products were installed as part of this install action: [Product Name]. The following components were installed as part of this install action: [Component Name]. The following features were installed as part of this install action: [Feature Name]. The following configuration items were installed as part of this install action: [Configuration Item Name]. The following database schema objects were created as part of this install action: [Schema Object Name]. The following ADR repositories were created as part of this install action: [ADR Repository Name]. The following jobs were created as part of this install action: [Job Name]. The following resources were created as part of this install action: [Resource Name]. The following notifications were sent as part of this install action: [Notification Name]. The following log files were created as part of this install action: [Log File Name]. The following scripts were executed as part of this install action: [Script Name]. The following patches were applied as part of this install action: [Patch Name]. The following OUI packages were installed as part of this install action: [OUI Package Name]. The following OUI components were installed as part of this install action: [OUI Component Name]. The following OUI features were installed as part of this install action: [OUI Feature Name]. The following OUI configuration items were installed as part of this install action: [OUI Configuration Item Name]. The following OUI database schema objects were created as part of this install action: [OUI Schema Object Name]. The following OUI ADR repositories were created as part of this install action: [OUI ADR Repository Name]. The following OUI jobs were created as part of this install action: [OUI Job Name]. The following OUI resources were created as part of this install action: [OUI Resource Name]. The following OUI notifications were sent as part of this install action: [OUI Notification Name]. The following OUI log files were created as part of this install action: [OUI Log File Name]. The following OUI scripts were executed as part of this install action: [OUI Script Name]. The following OUI patches were applied as part of this install action: [OUI Patch Name]. The following OUI OUI packages were installed as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Package Name]. The following OUI OUI components were installed as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Component Name]. The following OUI OUI features were installed as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Feature Name]. The following OUI OUI configuration items were installed as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Configuration Item Name]. The following OUI OUI database schema objects were created as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Schema Object Name]. The following OUI OUI ADR repositories were created as part of this install action: [OUI OUI ADR Repository Name]. The following OUI OUI jobs were created as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Job Name]. The following OUI OUI resources were created as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Resource Name]. The following OUI OUI notifications were sent as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Notification Name]. The following OUI OUI log files were created as part of this install action: [OUI OUI Log File Name]. The following,